Mother and son photography in Puerto Mogan Gran Canaria

In February I was so lucky to meet a friend of mine from back in the old school days in Risør, Norway. Christin and her son, Atle, had a stay at Gran Canaria for a while.

Christin and I grew up in the same little town and went to school for nine years together, so it was very special to get to do a session with her and her son in Gran Canaria.

And how cool of Atle to do a photo session with his awesome mother, that´s a tough man! Atle is one of those tough guys in the Norwegian army, but had some days off to have some vacation in Spain.

We went to Puerto Mogán, this sweet little town in the south-west coast of Gran Canaria, so loved by so many, and here is the result: Enjoy!

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