Wedding Gran Canaria Anfi del Mar – Liv Therese and Kim

Many couples want to have their wedding photos taken at beautiful Anfi del Mar. Many also have their wedding dinner there, and it is a perfect place to celebrate a wedding. 
I also do a lot of photography on Anfi del Mar, and I do not publish all weddings I do there at my web page, but with Liv Therese and Kim, we ended up with some really funny photos and graffiti photos taken nearby Anfi del Mar, so this wedding I would like to show you.
The graffiti photos was not planned, but when I saw Liv Theres on her wedding day, done by the amazing Frederick Cleverly, it come to me: We HAVE to do some graffiti photos. What I didn´t know, is that Kim actually is an graffiti artist in Norway (!). So this was a little bit weird, well, at least for me, but it felt very correct to drag them to a dirty and dusty place with some cool graffiti walls. And thanks, they didn´t mind, I am so grateful for that, Liv Therese and Kim.

I really loved working with you and that you were sporty enough to not follow the plan we made the day before, completely.

Hair and Makeup: FRDK 
Geir and I wish you all the best! Enjoy!
If you would like to see more photos from Liv Therese and Kim´s wedding, please see my facebook page for more.