Tove and Kristian – Wedding

This summer has been really busy for me. Yet I have not been able to take out any holiday, but I have really met many, many lovely people that I have been working with this summer. I haven´t had so much time to use on my web site either, but I would like to show some photos we took of Tove and Kristian at Bahia Feliz. Tove and Kristian got married in the Norwegian Church in Arguineguin, but they stayed at Bahia Feliz and really wanted us to take their photos their. 
I have not been there so many times before, but hope to do more sessions there, it is a really cool place down by the sea. 

Tove and Kristian only brought their to children to their wedding, and had a cozy small ceremony in the morning and a dinner in the evening. Many couples do not have big, big parties when coming to Gran Canaria to get married, but have small cozy parties. We took their photos around sun set, as it was too hot to take them right after the ceremony. 

Thank you so much, Tove and Kristian, it was a pleasure to be a part of your big day.
