Family photo shoot in Puerto Rico – Amadores

Earlier this summer we had a photo shoot with a lovely family from Bodø in Norway, Lise and Mads, and their three boys, Lars, Tobias and and Johannes. Lise and I got to know each other while we played in the Norwegian television serie “Costa del Kongsvik” this spring (coming on TVNorge in March 2014). 

For this family photo shoot, we first went to a nice park, and then to the beach. And I am soo impressed of the three boys, they were never complaining and was working very well all the time, and we all had a great time during the session. 

Thank you all, it was so nice to do this with you, and we had an awesome time with you all.



  1. Nydelige fotos du har laget, av en skjønn familie, han ene sønnen gikk i klassen til min yngste datter,på nå 13 år, vurderer å bestille noen familie bilder rundt juletider,da kommer mine 2 voksne barn på besø bare noen enkle, lurer på priser,ol.Hilsen Betsy Eriksen

  2. Hei Betsy
    Tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar. Det var en utrolig flott familie jeg var så heldig å ta bilder av. Send meg gjerne en mail for å reservere tid i julen, er allerede booket noen dager, så det kan være lurt å bestille i god tid. Send meg litt info om hva du ønsker, så skal jeg sende info om pris.

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