Line and Morten – Wedding

Line and Morten
Line and Morten Wedding Photography

“Mette was the first to contact in Gran Canaria after we thought of a secret wedding would take place on our already booked charter trip in the autumn vacation. After that, everything went very well. Mette answered complementary to any questions we had and could recommend everything from hairdresser to restaurant. The wedding was already the day after arrival so our first meeting was outside the Norwegian Church at our wedding day. Mette and Geir are sociable and heartwarming people who you after 5 minutes feel you’ve known a lot longer! We are very pleased with the detailed, beautiful photos Mette took during the wedding ceremony. Later in the day we met on Anfi del Mar where we took more pictures. Here we have to make a big thank you to Geir and his wonderful children’s skills. We had NEVER dreamed that our son would smile in front of a camera for as long as he did! We got many great pictures from this photo shoot and ended with pictures in a beautiful sunset. We really can recommend Mette and Geir, and hope to be able to use them for family photography in the future.”

Line and Morten – Norway